Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Where to from here?

So, on the eve of a new year, I'm wrestling with trying to decide what's next. I am now retired from the March of Dimes Foundation -- it was a great seven year stint with an organization whose core cause, saving babies, I still care about.

But, post-holidays, I am faced with choices. Do I seek another salaried position? Do I make the leap and hang out my own shingle? Joel Preston - consultant? Joel Preston - coach? Joel Preston - trainer? Shall I stay in fund development, or stretch into another field, transitioning my skills in places I haven't tried yet?

All exciting. And a little scary, I confess. But stay tuned. Something tells me it will be a fun ride.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Well, that was pretty easy - let the blogging begin!

Here we go. It's frightenly simple to create a blog. Does the world need another blog on fund-raising? There's so much out there -- some of it wrapped in mystique and gibberish. I certainly hope I'll not fall victim to that. I want to strip away the magic and bluster. I want to share the straight-forward version. Not that it's necessarily simple, mind you. It just doesn't need to be complex. I'll be looking to readers to keep me honest. But first, I guess, I need at least one reader! What a great adventure this will be! Comments welcome, always. I listen.