Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day: Support equal rights

It would be impossible to guess how many charitable events there will be today. I suppose it's next to impossible to hold a charity event on a Saturday that happens to be Valentine's Day, and NOT theme it around love and caring.

I'm going to one myself at San Francisco's majestic City Hall, a monument to Beaux-Arts. Beautiful ornamentation will abound. And I'm sure the building itself will look nice, too.

The site also happens to be where more than 4,000 same-sex couples were married in 2004. The event I'm attending will evoke that historic moment. Sponsored by Equality California (EQCA), the Equality Awards event isn’t just about glamour and glitz -- though my husband and I will be decked out in our formal dinner jackets. The event is about celebrating community achievement, recognizing selfless leaders, and renewing our engagement in the fight for equality.

To everyone, my hope for you is not that you spend your life with someone you can live with. Rather, I hope you spend it with the one you can't live without.

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