Monday, June 8, 2009

The Buddha said ...

If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.

- Buddha (563 BC - 483 BC)

There is joy in giving, and great power, too. (Who am I to contradict the Buddha?!)

Whoever we are, there are pieces of the divine within us, and I believe that is what we tap into when we share of ourselves and our treasure.

As a fund-seeker, I've had the delightful experience of watching the physical changes that occur when a person moves from contemplation to decision during the giving process. It's like an aura, radiating, an almost-palpable energy coming from within. (Sorry to go "new age"-y on you, but it is oh-so true.)

When done with the understanding that there's something deeply human about the act of sharing, those of us who facilitate this choice realize that it (the act of asking) is a natural and authentic interaction. The converse is also true: when done poorly, it does not feel good at all, regardless of the outcome.

Thank you, Buddha.

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