Monday, October 5, 2009

Customer Service Week, October 5-9

In 1992 the U.S. Congress proclaimed Customer Service Week a nationally recognized event, celebrated annually during the first full week in October.

Of course, this makes about as much sense as having a seperate Customer Service Department. EVERY week should be Customer Service Week, just as responsibility for customer service should rest with everyone in your organization, not just one department. For your organization, providing really great customer service can be THE difference between thriving and going extinct.

There are lots of ways to encourage a culture of service in your organization. Ways that won't work include:
Writing a memo
Making a speech
Imposing new behavior standards ("Smile, dammit!")

Genuine change happens when people buy in. A way to start that is to have a simple conversation about it.

So on this occasion, let me offer you something for free. Here's an exercise to help you get the conversation started. Use it at your next staff meeting, or even in the lunch room.

There's two pages of quotes about customer service, meeting needs, reputation, and trust(they're all related, you know). Have people read through the quotes and then, in pairs or small groups, share which one they most responded to. I can almost guarantee an enthusiastic conversation will ensue, and perhaps some altered notions about who is responsible for keeping the customer.

Get your free copy: simply click here to sign up. Give me your name and email, and I'll send you the exercise right away.

And remember what Lewis Carol said:

One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really
worth doing is what we do for others.

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