Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11: Service and Remembrance

September 11, 2001 was a day of tragedy. In response, many people rallied as one to support families who had lost loved ones and to help in recovery efforts. A powerful spirit of service and sacrifice united a nation -- ever so briefly. The echo of that impulse to help still remains, as September 11th is now officially designated a National Day Of Service and Remembrance.

My own vision of volunteerism changed as a result of what happened eight years ago. We each have a personal story about 9/11: where we were and how we felt. But it is perhaps more important to remember 9/12 and the successive days, when individuals joined in community with each other. Yes, let's remember that lesson.

Opportunities to work towards positive social change abound. A great video linking the Twin Towers tragedy to how we can personally help people is here. I invite you to watch:

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