Thursday, November 5, 2009

5 Star rating of Post Quality on Facebook ... Cool!

I've got the greatest fans on Facebook! Checked in today to the Peak Performance Philanthropy fan page and saw this 5 Star rating of my post quality.

When one's fans choose to interact with posted material by commenting, liking, or writing on your Wall, it has the effect of spreading the content virally throughout Facebook (because their comments, likes, and wall scrawls show up in their News Feed that their friends see).

Apparently, "Post Quality" is determined by the percentage of fans that engage when content is posted to a fan page. It is calculated on a rolling seven-day basis.

The number of stars depends on how your Post Quality compares to similar Pages (that is, Pages that have a similar number of fans). I don't know how many stars one can get, but five seems like a great number, and I'm thrilled with that. And I'm not sure what 112 points means, but I know a lot of people with IQs that are lower, so I'm not complaining about that either.

On the scarier side, there's the question of how much Facebook knows about you. Yeah, the era of privacy is probably long gone. But here's just a snippet of the info Facebook can feed back to me about my fans. In the aggregate, I guess it's harmless enough. But, of course, Facebook has the actual details.

So, I love you men (56%) and women (44%); youngish (24% 18-34 years) and less-youngish (44% 45+) ... fans all!

Let's play a game. Invite some of your friends to join the page to see how the numbers shift. Just click on Suggest to Friends in the upper left corner of the fanpage. Will my Star rating plummet or soar? Will I attract more men or women? Will the age makeup skew; if so, which way? I'll report back in about a week's time.

Playing with social media to see how it works is fun. (Also a sign that I don't have enough to do!)

Click here to go to my fanpage and suggest to your friends that they join. Thanks!

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