Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Brand name power: Motorized DWI chair for sale on eBay (but it's not a La-Z-Boy!)

OK, now, this is just plain weird.

A Minnesota man pleaded guilty for driving while intoxicated in a recliner.

The man who built the machine, Dennis Anderson, 61, was driving it from one bar to another in late August in Proctor, MN. He hit a parked car while in the chair, and he then tested .29% on a breath alcohol test. He was arrested for DWI and sentenced to 180 days in jail when he pleaded guilty.

The jail time was stayed providing for a 2 year probationary period, but Anderson forfeited his chair and forked over $2,000 to the state in fines.

The chair is a traditional recliner, but it includes a converted gas-powered lawnmower engine. The engine is connected to a steering wheel, and the chair is also outfitted with headlights, roll bars, a stereo and cup holders. The chair is reported to run about 20 miles per hour at full throttle. But, to fully disclose its condition, I must share that the seat cushion is missing.

Apparently having no internal use for the vehicle, the Proctor police department put the chair/vehicle on eBay for auction, calling the item the DWI La-Z-Boy. The closing bid on Friday was $37,300. Sadly for the police, the La-Z-Boy people invoked their VERO (VErified Rights of Ownership) with eBay, which pulled the item for inappropriately using the La-Z-Boy name.

Exhibiting remarkable perseverance, the Proctor police have re-posted the recliner without the La-Z-Boy name. As of the date/time this posting was made, 45 bids had been placed with just 2 days and 4 hours left to bid. At the moment, the current bid is only $5,800, which just goes to show the power of a good brand name!

If you want to place a bid, go here.

Now, don't you think you've squandered about as much time as you can afford on this? No??

Well, then, waste just a bit more by watching the video below.

Did I mention that the chair's builder/former owner is now selling autographer photos of him sitting in the chair on eBay? Is this the greatest country in the world, or what?!

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